Hi Sugar Pie! I'm soaping up my mature ass. Bare butt, rub a dub-dub. In a big white tub. Showing all my attributes. I'll be washing up and you'll be right by my side! You'll get an eye full sugar. You'll see my pussy, tits and ass get a good scrubbing. Watching me bathe. Your cock will expand, pulsate, and crave for a good sack shaking release. I'll spread it wide for you to slide your long boat right up and in! Go ahead honey, and splatter it all over my huge saggy tits and curves. You'll be seeing some great views. Your favorite super sized boobs will be slip sliding away. My nails are manicured and painted a bright orange peach. My hair messy wet. My pussy is smooth, soft, warm, sudsy, and trimmed. Honey-pie, my plump ass and thick thighs are ready for you to enjoy anytime, anywhere! Hmmm, would you like to see me in more curvy tub poses? Did you say, "You bet your sweet flower I do!" Well pat my bottom!
Tags: Bath Time Granny Tits Mature Ass Huge Saggy Bare Butt Huge Swinging Tits Manicured Nails Super Sized Boobs Curvy Plump Mature Warm Trimmed Pussy Soaping Up Massive 40m Tits Rub A Dub Dub Spread It Wide Slip Sliding Boobs Bare Ass Nudity Orange Peach Plump Thick Ass Sweet Flower Pat My Bottom Categories: