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There are 14 comments on the topic :"Easydater - Blind Date Sex But She Wasn't Single And Gets Caught In The Act":

Dating Game @ Mars 10 years ago "My husband and I have date night two times a month. He keeps the kids and I go out and I keep the kids while he goes out. It works out good for us. We get to fuck other people it adds spice for us. I don't tell him but some nights I have 3 or 4 men in my hotel room at one time. I get ripped good then."

ha. @ Mars 11 years ago "I like how he takes the condom off and cums inside her."

She's fucking awesome @ Mars 12 years ago "I would fuck her all day long"

Ass @ Mars 8 years ago "He can't even keep it up, she's hot though"

Waterbeds suck @ Mars 8 years ago "Waterbeds are the worst. These always throws off the momentum and concentration of sex."

good @ Mars 11 years ago "some body hold her tits"

Lucky Guy @ Mars 12 years ago "I work for an escort service. The best part is when a married woman calls and we go out. Most of the time I get fucked. Married women are the hottest fuck of all. They will do anything with a stranger."

Anonymous @ USA 5 years ago "No wedding ring at 10:30"

Name? @ Mars 9 years ago "What's her name? Does she have more videos?"

Tom @ Mars 9 years ago "Oh Yeah! I would fuck her all day!"

she's the best @ Mars 12 years ago "she's too good for him"

Dr. Fill @ Mars 13 years ago "Her belly button ring looks like a cork to keep her beer gut from bursting. But, it would be nice to see some more of Easy Dater's stuff..."

save the narwalls @ Mars 10 years ago "every year narwalls fuck each other so hard they die :("

HGFDSDD @ Mars 13 years ago "HHHHHHH"

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