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There are 4 comments on the topic :"I'll Kick Your Ass And Balls Without Pity Cause U Are A Depravate":

Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago "And you reap what you sow you deserve being kicked in your uterus and ovaries just because you heard "something" doesn't mean you know "Anything" Fuck you cunt,!"

/( •-• )\ @ USA 6 months ago "What a weirdo... she is obviously probably wearing a wig, and her face looks weird"

Memeririrismsmsmsm @ Canada 3 years ago "thats what I'm saying. Process . Time. Where's the hope that u let get lost in the wind? !I will lay this, guilty conscience for some HURT more then regret, there purpose to all. Unwent through pain and now they get ripped apart inside because they never let anything run its course"

亚托莉 @ USA 5 months ago "青帝天下第一"

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