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There are 78 comments on the topic :"Sindee Jennings":

FTP @ Mars 10 years ago "What a whore, this is fucking gross. She should go get a real job, at least then she would have some fucking dignity"

xhdjfhj @ Mars 8 years ago "Sindee Jennings
3 min sex rated 100%"

oom @ Mars 10 years ago "iwant to fucking with him"

i want sex @ Mars 11 years ago "Come to my house at 1823 BellSouth beach so I can fuck you. Who cares if it's a fake dick?"

SINDEE JENINGS @ Mars 13 years ago "I was on crack an the pipe was callin my name when I did this shit. I'm ashamed of this an clean now."

David Duke @ Mars 13 years ago "OH NO!! They are mutating!!!!"

Veterinary @ Mars 15 years ago "His father was probably a horse !"

jack @ Mars 9 years ago "Its very good"

jai @ Mars 9 years ago "sexy video"

Sydney @ Mars 9 years ago "I can see it!"

raj.sutar. @ Mars 10 years ago ""

shoukat @ Mars 12 years ago "xxx"

deepika @ Mars 12 years ago "i want to do fuck with him"

¸ÀzÀzÀUÀ @ Mars 13 years ago "zÀUÀíUÀºÀ"

Lilbaby @ Mars 13 years ago "Guyz u shouldnt be ashamed of the size of ur dic, what counts is if u know how to use it ;)"

fuck ya @ Mars 13 years ago "i wanna fuck that bitch......."

way too big @ Mars 13 years ago "Even if it is real I'd rather be too small than this"

pity the weak @ Mars 13 years ago "Poor guy, he must have a really small dick, like most black guys."

Jefferson Davis @ Mars 13 years ago "All black guys own fake dicks like this one, that's why they all think they're huge. How could anyone think this girl isn't hot? Geez."

Haha @ Mars 13 years ago "Omg god would be proud !!"

David Duke @ Mars 13 years ago "OH NO!! They are mutating!!!!"

Bala @ Mars 14 years ago "Good,excelent,mindblowing"

gggg @ Mars 14 years ago "good"

polat @ Mars 14 years ago "good"

Besides.... @ Mars 14 years ago "Besides all the "fake cock" arguments I read on here, I'd like to say that Sindee Jennings *(and all white ho's like her) are ugly little disgusting whore PIGS. She is UHGG-LEY! Fucking cunt belongs in the gutter. She isn't worthy of any man..."

producer @ Mars 15 years ago "If it wouldn't be fake,
- it would have a looking of skin, not silicone/plastic
- the guy wouldn't hold it with his hand
- there would no underwear on guy, just the plain cock with every parts"

billa @ Mars 15 years ago "vandar full"

sam @ Mars 15 years ago "good"

kay @ Mars 15 years ago "well thats not safe"

........... @ Mars 15 years ago "this is so stupid. if youre gonna us a fake dick just make it a lesbian video, it's a lot better then seen a stupid black guy."

jew guy @ Mars 15 years ago "how u kno wit fake if so u must be gay or a hater"

richard @ Mars 15 years ago "it was fun"

aaron @ Mars 15 years ago "this shit is so fake, no one in the world has a dick this big"

aaron @ Mars 15 years ago "this shit is so fake, no one in the world has a dick this big"

cot @ Mars 15 years ago "nice"

yakoozee @ Mars 15 years ago "why the fuck does he keep holdin it? FAKEEE"

coo coo @ Mars 15 years ago "i can't believe i sat thru the video...bullshit.send him back to the carwash."

JEW @ Mars 15 years ago "I DONT THINKS ITS SO MUCH FUN FOR HIM COZ HE HAVE TO HOLD ODL THE TIM IS DICK Xd LOL I dont want so a big dick andy mabey ists a anothher fake^^"

haha @ Mars 15 years ago "notice that his dick looks different inn all of his videos. and to "cum" like he does you would need testicles the size of basketballs"

puckerpussy @ Mars 15 years ago "wots with the fake dicks on ere l8tly?"

Abdelrhman @ Mars 15 years ago "i very tired i want fuk in ass"

lol lmao @ Mars 15 years ago "you can tell its fake cuz hhis dick is a diff color than him! lol"

wtf @ Mars 15 years ago "shamed ov ur real cock isi cz it probly tiny.lmao"

arya @ Mars 15 years ago "waw isbig dick."

london uk @ Mars 15 years ago "rubber dick in demand in the usa"

joe @ Mars 15 years ago "wud have to have a dick like that but its fake tho"

barack oslama @ Mars 15 years ago "Wouldn't you hate being a porn star brotha who has to use a fake dick cause he ain't man enough"

hydro @ Mars 15 years ago "fake! if your penis is that big it wont get enough blood to stay up that hard, the cut off length is about 7 to 8 inches before it starts bending! that and you could pass out because your losing to much blood!"

Calvin @ Mars 15 years ago "its fuckin fake"

bob @ Mars 15 years ago "thats fuct!!!!!

king @ Mars 15 years ago "very big"

vijay @ Mars 15 years ago "this is impossible"

lol @ Mars 15 years ago "if you think this is real you're a tard..."

omg @ Mars 15 years ago "THAT IS THE BIGGEST DICK I HAVE EVER SEEN!"

goonit @ Mars 15 years ago "where the fuck does this thing go!!!"

wtf @ Mars 15 years ago "wtf"

Fuckin stupid @ Mars 10 years ago "You porn idiots are fuckin morons! This shit is just plain stupid!"

big poop @ Mars 10 years ago "fake dicks are the best kind of dicks"

shut up @ Mars 12 years ago "another fuckin fake dick what a joke"

Cock Knocker @ Mars 13 years ago "Vile, fake cock. there should be a disclaimer saying 'if you think this dick is real you are retarded and fond of lies'"

fake @ Mars 13 years ago "even though its fake. saying hes holding it as a dead giveaway is stupid lol if you had tht big of a dick, you would have to hold it to lol"

that guy @ Mars 15 years ago "OF COURSE ITS FAKE HIS DICK IS FUCKING PURPLE!!!!!!!!!"

fake @ Mars 15 years ago "this is a plastic penis"

umash @ Mars 10 years ago "X.sexyigrila"

yaya humacao @ Mars 11 years ago "con un bicho asi soy bien feliz pero mi chillo tommy d humacao tiene tremendo bichooooo gordo bieeeeeenn largo y pa cormo cabezon cuando m lo mte me ase la crica y el culo sangre vivo enchula d ese bichooooo lo tiene bien cabron"

lol @ Mars 12 years ago "fake"

xnxx @ Mars 12 years ago "xnxx"

hohoho @ Mars 13 years ago "shoo longgggg"

mirza @ Mars 13 years ago "hi swti"

rag @ Mars 14 years ago "baba"

Python23 @ Mars 15 years ago "FAKE!!!"

drrter @ Mars 15 years ago "no comment"

monna @ Mars 15 years ago "bangladesh"

elfanan @ Mars 15 years ago "sasa

mouhssin @ Mars 15 years ago "ahmad"

ammar @ Mars 15 years ago "ammar"

cock @ Mars 15 years ago "hdiuashdjlas"

hhhhanooo @ Mars 15 years ago "replay"

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