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There are 9 comments on the topic :"Extrem Monster Asshole Gapinig Gape Hole Anal Anus Asslips Analdehner Fkk Merin":

MJ? @ Mars 7 years ago "Michael Jackson is that you?"

biguy @ Mars 9 years ago "I would love to fuck you I mean know you... both. Your are SO fucking hot"

man @ Mars 9 years ago "i really do try to be open minded and accepting, but even i struggle to wrap my mind around this nigga's outfit"

Not cool @ Mars 9 years ago "Don't mistitle it, please. Sat here like a dork with my dick in my hand waiting for this cutie to put a massive dildo in him..."

Dorin @ Mars 11 years ago "The ideea of that kind of shemale is intersting, but you're not right for it"

papabexar @ Mars 12 years ago "so hot and perfect"

BBC_TOP @ Mars 12 years ago "Who are you in the video wanna get to know you"

Gay guy @ Mars 12 years ago "You are perfect I want you so bad

Rock solid @ Mars 13 years ago "Man, the rest of the band is going to be bummed when they see the video I made for our song"

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